Monday, May 18, 2009
Help or Hinder...
In Genesis 2 verse 18 it says this.............. The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." You know how you can read something many times and not really read it. That's what I did this week. When I read those words I thought........what is a helper, am I a helper suitable to my husband.....and then on the heels of that thought was..... am I more of a hindrance? Ouch! I am sad to say that lots of times I can be a total hindrance. I don't have his best interests at heart. But I should. I was made to be his helper. That is my roll as a wife. How do I do that with a right heart and not try and see what's in it for me?
This week my husband asked me if I would go to the deer lease with him and some friends to go four wheeling? At first my gutt reaction was to say no way. Why in the world would I want to go out to the lease where I know it's going to be HOT and there will be bugs. But instead of going with my first reaction.....I said yes instead. I could tell I surprised him. I think I surprised myself too. But I did go and it was fun and I think it pleased him very much. Such a simple request. Too many times all I can think about is....what about me...what about me. UGH! I get tired of hearing myself. Ha! So this time I did what he wanted and you know it really was a blessing. I praise God for our time together. Is this being a helper? Yes I think it's putting his needs or wants above my own. That's servanthood my friends.
There are so many ways in which we as women can please our husbands but we don't always do that. In fact a lot of times we won't be kind or respectful to them until they have been loving to us. Talk about a wrong attitude of heart. I have to constantly be intentional about praying for my husband, be an encourager not a hindrance. I need to be my husband's "cheerleader" after all God made me for him. NOT the other way around. Humbling I know but the truth. I realized this week that I can't do this by myself. I need Christ to help me in this area. I have prayed and I know that God will give me the insight and wisdom to be a helper to my husband. I thank and praise God for helping me to see the word helper this week and really ponder it's meaning. So are you a helper or a hindrance to your spouse? I pray that you are a helper. But if you aren't....don't loose is just a breath away. Until next blessed.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Pictures of Birthday Banner!
One year older.....
I love birthdays! I love celebrating life actually. I love giving gifts too. Any excuse is a good excuse to gift someone with tells them they were thought about and loved. I think I am a much better giver then a receiver. Ha! I always feel awkward saying thanks because I am overwhelmed first of all that they thought of me. Yesterday my family and friends outdid themselves. Between face book posts, emails, texts, and phone calls as well as gifts........I felt the love that everyone has for me. It was humbling.
I don't feel I should warrant that kind of affection. After all I am just a human with human failings. I let people see what I want them to see about me. Actually I am not even a nice person inside. That was tough realization for me but it is true. I realize though that Jesus has changed that part in me that was not nice. Nice thoughts, feelings, actions come more readily these days. Praise God for that! So I think when others celebrate me........they really are celebrating the good in me and that is pure Jesus! :-) How cool is that?
Let me tell you about my started the night before really. I have a group of craft gals that meet with me every Monday night to catch up on life and just share in our craftiness. Plus we get a lot of forgotten projects done. This Monday the gals had gotten together and threw me a mini party. There was a pretty cake one of them brought. Plus one of them sent flowers. One girl brought me a huge bag of bias tape she had gotten super cheap when a blanket factory went out of me this is just too cool! I love things I can make something out of. I am a true crafter I guess. One girl made a broach using felt and buttons that I just adored. Two of the girls gave me special things that they knew I would treasure and I do. We had a nice time celebrating my pre-birthdate. Then that night as I was trying to fall asleep my sweet hubby was making enough racket to wake me. Ha! He thought I couldn't hear him. Who can't hear a 180 pound man putting together a craft table upstairs when our bedroom is below. Ha! I got up to check on what he was doing and he looked so sheepish and sweet. He was trying to surprise me. He knows that every morning before I go walking I get on the computer. So the table was set up where I would see it as I walked up the stairs. I was very touched first for his thoughtful-ness.....I had mentioned to him weeks before that I needed a new sewing table for my machine. Secondly I was touched that he was trying to surprise me. I went to sleep with a smile on my face. :-)
My birthday began really early. It hit me that I was really 50...this was no dress rehearsal but the real thing. Ha! Troy had a very sweet card waiting for me on my dresser and had written sweet words that this wife of his loved. The phone started ringing about 9 and didn't stop till late that night. I talked to each of my kiddos, my daughter Kari plus the grandkids. They were all so sweet. They were hopeful I had received their gift in the mail but at that point I had not. So it was on to cleaning the upstairs craft room cuz I had to make room for the new table. Now that's my idea of a fun morning. After much moving and rearranging the table looks great in there. I feel like I have a new room. Then it was on to the church for our bi-montly staff meeting. One of the gals had a made a huge sombrero cake. I can't remember the actual wording but it had something to do with being over the hill. The cake was in honor of several birthdays not just mine. We had five staff members with b-days in April. Lunch was brought by J.R.'s here in town. It was so yummy! A couple other staff friends gave me a funny purple cane that was a huge joke with a horn on it, old man repellant spray bottle etc. Plus they gave me bran flakes and pudding. Ha! Soon the meeting was over and I was homebound to read more emails, Face book wall posts and open packages. I even had a present all wrapped in pretty pink paper on my back porch from a dear friend. She gave me the nicest Pampered Chef bowl and spoons. It was awesome. Yes I got the package my kiddos sent. Inside was a card from each of them plus this HUGE banner that stretched across the length of my living room and part of my dining area. They made a poster celebrating 50 things they love about me. I laughed and laughed but by the time I got to the end.....this grammy was crying. I was so touched. All four grand kids had put their special handy work to this banner. They all had input into the things they love about their grammy. I have taken pictures and will post them after this post if I still remember how.
Last but not least we had our young couples small group meeting last night. There were only supposed to be four of the couples there as we have birthed off a new group .Well the new group came and marked out front of the house so I didn't know they were all there. When we arrived LATE which was on purpose....Troy did that and I hate being late.....Troy practically pushed me in the door. When i walked in they all yelled surprise. They were ALL there. So touching and sweet. They had cards and gifts for me plus a homemade cake by one of the young gals who told me she DOES not bake. It was all wonderful. We made it home around 9ish and there was a birthday message from my other daugther Becky. Awe.........a perfect ending to a perfect day.
So I am one year older. I don't feel older at this moment but there are times when I realize wow I can't do that anymore. God has blessed me so much. He has given me a wonderful family and tons of friends who love me dearly. My cup runneth over.....until next time be blessed.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Grass always greener.....
Sunday was Easter Sunday..........the best Sunday celebration ever. Our Christ and Lord Jesus died for our sins and was raised from the dead. He conquered death and gives us hope for a life everlasting with him. Awe I just love that. He gives me comfort. Anyway this Easter my hubby and I had no plans for the day besides going to sunrise service to celebrate this day. I was kind of bummed about that because it made me miss my kids and grandkids. They all live so far away and we can't get together for holidays like other families. It's at holiday times that this fact seems to surface in my head. I start remembering days gone by when they were little and all the fun we use to have. I realize God has graced me to only remember the good times for the most part. Because really life isn't all good...there is a lot of trials and a lot of hard times when we are parents trying to raise our children with Christian values in a secular world. I had my mini cry, prayed and then got over my self. This is an example of the "the grass is always greener on the other side" thought. I do this every holiday.
However when I do get to see my kids and grandkids I realize after about 3-4 days I am ready for life to go back to the way it is. I love them and they me but we each have our own lives that we are living. We have differences and don't always agree anymore. I am not the boss of my children at this point. yea! I relish the time I have with my family and I soak up all they have to say. I store it up to bring out another time and remember....and maybe have a mini cry again and then move on.
In 1 Timothy 6:6 it says.............. But godliness with contentment is great gain. Then in Hebrews 13:5 it says......Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
There is no greater gift then to have the Lord with you and to know that he will never leave me or forsake me. Even when I boo hoo and think gosh I wish............this or that....He is there beside me. He is my contentment. In Him I find contentment. With Him I find His contentment.
I realized (again) this weekend that the grass isn't always greener on the other side even if I sometimes think it is. It is a blessing to be content where we are right now at this moment in time. I thank God that he allows me to have memories of the good times with my children. I am thankful that I had all three of them and was able to love them with everything I had in me. I didn't always say the right things, or do the rights things, or even model the right values to them but I did love them........very much. I have to pray for God's grace in this area alot. Contentment is a gift from God and I am so thankful for that gift. So until next time fellow content and be blessed.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
5 Truths from God
#1 God loves me..........John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
#2 God has a wonderful plan for my life.....Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Psalms 39:16, Jeremiah 1:5, John 10:10)
#3 God will never abandon me....John 14:16-18 I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
#4 God will always hear me when I pray.......Deuteronomy31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
#5 God wants to spend eternity with me....John 11:25 "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" And.....John 14: 1-3 "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going."
Friends we serve an awesome God! I pray these words are encouraging to each of you today. I pray that you get into God's word today and praise Him for all He has done and is doing today. May God be glorified! Be blessed..........and I am really done for today....until next time.
Pammi's table

Hope for the Heart table # 5

Hope for the Heart Table
Hope for the Heart table #2
Hope for the Heart table #3
Are you seasoned with salt?
Last week we met and I went to say the blessing. I was in one of my sillier moods. Can you believe that? I started to sing since I had a microphone. The girls didn't know what to think of my silliness so they just laughed along with me. :-) Good thing I really can sing but I didn't this week. However I did get their attention which has been extremely difficult this year as all the gals have really bonded. Another praise to God. Anyway as I said my prayer and asked God to bless our meal I also asked him to season our words with be mindful of His presence in our midst etc. I finished the prayer, went back to my table with my girls and was going to go get some brunch when one of my girls asked me "what does it mean have your words flavored with salt." WOW what an awesome question and what a great opportunity God gave me to mentor and point her to Christ. Most of us know that salt flavors things. Our words should enhance not take away. Our conversation together needs to be uplifting, encouraging to those we share life with. Women can sometimes gossip and this isn't a good's sin and dilutes our salt. Salt also preserves. As Christians we live in a lost world with decay, evil, and sin all around us. We are the salt of the earth. We are there to flavor witness to what Christ is doing in and through us. I told her I wanted all of us to be mindful that God is present with us. We need to watch our words and what we say. I was very humbled by this young ladies question. For a moment I got tongue tied....I know you are having a hard time seeing that in me...........but it was true for just a moment. Then I realized what a great way to share the message of Christ. God is so good and He gave me the words to say. I need to remember to stay in His word more and more because He is using what I learned to plant seeds or to water them. yeah! Thank you Lord for allowing this encounter to happen!
My question to you is.........are you seasoned with salt? Do your words lift up or tear down? Do you allow sin to water down your salt? Just thoughts to ponder. I pray that God gives you a thirst for His that you can be salt to others you come into contact with. Until next time be blessed!
Hope for the Heart 2009...just a bunch of girlies!
This conference is on a Friday night and Saturday morning. As part of the conference weekend the ladies of our church are asked to host a table of eight for lunch on Saturday. I have been blessed to be able to do this for many years. I love it when I get a group of ladies at my table that I never met. This gives me an opportunity to share the love of Christ with those who may or may not know the Lord. I have been amazed at how God has blessed me with so many wondeful new friends. Anyway each hostess has her own set of dishes and she decorates her table with a theme. It can be any theme, elaborte, simple, silly, name it...I have seen it all from china sets to plastic to paper dishes. If I can figure out how to post a few pictures of the tables I will in the next blog so you can see how awesome they are.
With all that said I wanted to share with you a constant struggle I have every year when this conference comes along. My struggle is with girl cliques. Do you know what a clique is? In Webster's dictionary one of the definitons of clique is.......small, exclusive group of people; coterie; set. Now I don't just struggle with this area of life at this conference but have struggled with this all my life. I have never liked when cliques form because they leave people out. As a child the teachers thought there was something wrong with me.........about 4th parents were called because they said I never hung out with a group of girls. I didn't have a best friend and I was very content with my own company whether it was reading a book or just hanging out. I did on occasion get involved with whatever activity was going on at the playground like volleyball, softball etc. But I rarely followed the crowd. My parents asked me why I didn't have any friends that I hung out with. I remember telling them that I didn't like that people were left out of the I intentionally left myself out so that I could be friends with everybody. Such a simple concept but one that I find hits me in the face every day. You see at this conference I want to hang out with my girlies or my chicas as I call them. I just want to be one of the girls. What's wrong with this anyway? This year I had this thought........this year I am just going to be one of the girls. I am going to hang out with someone and just enjoy myself. After all this conference is for me. Do you see how many "me, myself and I" are in that statement? So I struggled all day Friday afternoon as I set up my table for the luncheon. I prayed and prayed for God to reveal to me what I should do about this. But until I got my answer I decided I would just continue to do what I have done in the past and that is to just befriend everyone. This was Friday night. Saturday morning I ran into a friend from a Sunday school class and the first thing she said to me was.....I hate clique's. HELLO! Was that from God or what? She said she struggled in this area for the very reasons I do. Now I am not saying that there is anything wrong with hanging out with your girlies. Some people are more comfortable in a group then they are alone. I totally get that but I have been one of those girls on the outside looking in. I have been made to feel like I don't belong if I don't say the right thing, live in the right house, have the right clothes etc. It is not a good feeling to feel excluded regardless of the reason. We are all different and yet we are all children of God. He loves all of us and he calls all of us to love one another. In the bible in the book of Mark chapter 12 verses 28-33....The Greatest Commandment.................. One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?"
"The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these."
"Well said, teacher," the man replied. "You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him. To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices." WOW! Is God awesome or what!! Anyway.......later on I talked to my mentor (if you don't have one of those.......get one) about what I had struggled with and how I felt God leading me. She affirmed that it was right to reach out to those who are not from our church and make them feel welcome. We had over 260 women from other areas there. WOW! Some of those ladies came alone, didn't know a soul and needed a helping hand, a smile or personal touch. As a woman from that church I felt............. no I knew I needed to reach out to as many as I could. I met some interesting sweet people. I say all this to open up your eyes to step out of your comfort zone and reach out to those in your areas of work, play, church...whatever it may be. As women it's okay to have our's even good for us to have those to whom we confide in and share with. But there are also times when it's good to reach out. Make sure whatever group(s) you are involved with aren't closed groups....we have to be open to the lost. Don't just be one of the a woman of faith for Christ and let Him use you. Until next time be blessed.
A little child's trust
As most of you know I have been blessed with 8 grand kids. Praise God for those little blessings! They are the icing on the cake and I adore them all so much. They are also so different and yet they are the same in that ......they do things kids do....cry, eat, sleep, play and find the world so full of wonder. To watch a child play and how they see the world is such a great experience. I love how they are like a sponge with any and all things you teach them. Sometimes they are taught bad things by what they see us do. This is a huge I didn't think of when my kids were young.........but now take very seriously with my grand kids. I want them to see a grammy that has tons of unconditional love for them and always leads them to Christ by my actions as well as words.
I don't get to see my "grands" very often but when I do I make the most of it. I also enjoy sending them packages and cards throughout the year for any holiday possible. I know that they get a kick out of it and I know that they think I am "crazy grammy." Ha! Did I mention my grand kids are very smart too? ;=) One of the things their grandpa and I do is take silly pictures (as posted above this story) of us and send them to them. I figure they might as well have a still shot of a pose they see us in all the time in person. Ha! To quote one of my grand kids....grammy is so silly.
Recently my oldest grand girl has had many tests done on her little body. Let me back up....she went for her well baby check and they found blood in her urine. They asked her mama if she noticed anything wrong with her or if my grand daughter complained of any stomach pains etc. The one thing my daughter noticed was that when she pooped it floated. Weird I know!!! Who would have noticed....I am not sure I would have. But my daughter being so smart and all did....Praise God. So since last year our little girl has had many blood, urine and stool samples taken. Recently about three weeks ago she went and had an endoscopy and colonoscopy (<---sp) various biopsies were taken while she was out. This was very difficult for her parents to watch but with God's grace they made it through the testing with flying colors. The doctors thought she had ciliacs (<--)disease or cystic fibrosis. I am happy to report that the tests were negative. Yeah! However they did find out that her pancreas is not working like it should. She is taking medicine for this that she does not like and can't swallow whole. Her mama has to open the capsule and sprinkle it on food and my grand daughter has to swallow it WITHOUT chewing. Her mom says she chews ice cream so this has not been fun for them. Now to current day....last week she had a bunch more blood work done because the doctors think she may have Shwachman Diamond Syndrome. We will find out the results in 5 weeks. Through this whole ordeal there has been much prayer as well as some tears. We know that God holds her in the palm of His hand and that He knows what is wrong. We trust but the waiting is really hard. I say all this because I have been very concerned for my little sweetie and worried (as only a grammy does too much) about how this will effect her later on in life. I asked her mama if she was scared after all the things that have been done to her. She relayed to me that she had asked my grand daughter this very question and that she just looked at her mama funny and I be? Bless her little four year old heart! That just about did me in. She trusts that her parents who love her so much are doing everything possible....even painful things to her that they are looking out for her....that they love her. I find this so awesome!!! And yet I am reminded that ALL of us are to come to Jesus as a little child. In the book of Mark in the bible chapter 10 verses 13-16 it says this............People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.....................What does it mean to come to God like a little child? Have you ever thought about it? Children are so trusting. They will jump right into your arms from a high place and never worry that you won't catch them. They will do what you say without questioning. ( why most of the time) They love life. As a parent you do all you can for their benefit. Even discipline is for their own good though it hurts. And our love for them should be unconditional....just like Jesus love for unconditional. Jesus asks us to follow him, to trust that He alone knows what's best for us. Sometimes that path is very's hard to understand what is going on or why things are happening like they are. But God is faithful and He is with us. He is doing a good work in each of us. We just have to trust Him. I still stand amazed at my little grand daughter's trust for her parents but I am so heartened by it as well. God is doing great things in the lives of this family. May God be glorified!
I hope this story encourages all of you to trust in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ more and more. Here's a poem I wrote back in 1991 about children.........back then I didn't know I was writing this for my grands.....
Children are a blessing from birth that God has given.
To cherish with a loving heart through life that we are living.
Their little faces bright with promise give us joy each day.
They see the world as wonderful in their busy days of play.
In life, God has given us many wondrous things.
But best of all it is His children and all the joy they bring.
Monday, February 23, 2009
31 years and still growing strong
1. By God's grace..........Troy has grown to be a man after God's own heart.
2. Troy is an wonderful husband, father, and grandfather to our family.
3. He gives 110 % to his job. He is willing and does the smallest tasks no matter how awful those tasks might be. He has a servant heart and believes in setting an example. He has worked hard at any job he has ever had. He starts from the bottom and works his way to the top. He isn't afraid to tackle any task and does so with attention to detail and quality.
4. He has grown to be very patient with me and all my faults. He lovingly admonishes me when I sin but also lifts me up and encourages me in my walk with Christ.
5. When Troy is with any of our grandkids....his face glows. He will wrestle with them, carry them anywhere and answer any/all questions with such love. It makes my heart rejoice to watch this.
6. Troy is the leader of our family. I respect his decisions and know that he has our best interest at heart.
7. He has the best laugh. We have shared in many fabulous laughing sessions. Sometimes we will reflect on what was so funny..........and can't really recall but find that funny as well. He can also laugh at himself. He is learning not to take himself too seriously.
8. I love that Troy loves to hunt. I know shocking isn't it!!!! He is very good at it and it comes so natural to him. I am proud of his skills in this area.
9. Troy can fix anything if he can google it, buy a book to show him how etc....he is not afraid to give it a go as "Mr. Fix-it." Most of the time he just KNOW's how to fix something.....I find this amazing.
10. My husband loves me dearly. He would die for me. He shows me every day how much he cares and supports me by his actions and words. God has blessed me with a wonderful husband. I am blessed. God willing we will have another 31 years or more together. May our lives reflect God's glory.
This list is not all I love about my hubby but I just wanted to share a few things......not everything.
As women we play such a important role in encouraging our husbands and others around us. Many of us (me included) fail to realize that we can kill with our words or heal. More and more often I choose to heal with my words. But every so often I stick my foot in my mouth big time. Do you ever do that? Do you remember hearing this little rhyme as a kid...."sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." True stick and stones could break bones. But they heal. A scar is left but they do heal. Words tend to linger so much longer. I can remember many hurtful things I have had said to me or said to others. They don't just go away. Sometimes they even shape us into who we become. OUCH! That is scary isn't it....especially if we have been molded by hurtful words. On the other side of the coin though.......words build up and encourage. It's amazing when someone gives you a compliment or tells you what a good job you have done how that will effect your day. You feel like you can do anything. There is spring to your step and you just feel better.
Our Lord Jesus is the word of God in the flesh. He has so many wonderful encouraging things to say to each of us. Take time in your busy schedule to spend time with him today. Find out what he would like to say to you today. I find that I hear his still small voice more and listen more. His words are nourishment for my parched soul. His words are what fill me. His words of encouragement are examples of the words I should and can use today with others.
I have been asked many did you and Troy make it all these years married. At first I use to say......... ALOT OF WORK. Ha! Which is partially true but mostly it is faith in Jesus Christ and the WORK that he alone is doing in our lives. He has given Troy and I grace to overlook many hurtfilled words, the grace to love one another when we are unlovable, the grace to encourage, celebrate or admonish when needed. He is molding us and changing our hearts every day to be more like His. WOW! I find that amazing. I hope that we have many more years together as a married couple. I like hanging out with Troy. He is fun and so good for me. So until next time friends.........encourage someone with your words today and be blessed.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
My sweet Hubby
After graduation Troy was off to boot camp for the Air Force and I was off to college. Less then a year later we married. 1 year and three months later we had our first child. 20 months after that our second child and then four years later our third. Time just has a way of slowly going by and before you know you have both changed so much and the romance is gone. We raised our kids together in a modest home. We went to church now and again but it wasn't a weekly thing.....big mistake. Troy worked a lot of hours with the Air Force. I also worked outside the home so there really wasn't time for us to spend a whole lot of time together. Looking back that was another mistake we made. We didn't make time for each other and we should have. We should have always had a date night every week....even if it was just sitting outside on the porch swing. By God's grace we made it through all the graduations, marriages etc. We found ourselves alone in 2002 when our youngest graduated H.S.
In January of 2003 we moved to Florida. It was time for us to get to know each other again....spend time on vacations etc. Instead we found that we were fighting over some of the same stuff we had fought over back 20 years ago. UGH! Slowly through much wisdom from God we have managed to fall in love with each other again. I realized I hadn't been that great of a wife to Troy. I had been pretty selfish for many years. It's impossible to go back and relive any of those times. Thank goodness for God's mercies new every morning. Troy and I talk so much now. We have learned to communicate and put each others needs before the other. We aren't perfect. God continues to change our hearts. Daily we have grown in our love of Christ. Not only has our walk with God been strengthened but our marriage continues to grow stronger because of the Lord.
Okay now to the reason for this recent story......on Saturday we went to Blue Lake Alabama for a meeting of Emmaus folks. We always stop in Defuniak Springs at a place called Ed's Pub Burger. Yummy stuff that! I love Ed's as they have the best burgers and they have crushed ice. There is nothing better then a coca cola on crushed ice. We ordered our drinks and when the waitress brought our drinks I noticed there was cubed ice. I was disappointed and asked her why and she said she just didn't get it out of that cooler. Oh well no big deal. She takes our order and while we are waiting for our meal other Emmaus folks show up and we are all visiting all over the place in the cafe. The waitress comes back for our drinks so that she can refill them. Before she can wisk them away....Troy places his hand on my drink and says to the girl....would you please empty out this ice and give my wife crushed ice...she really likes crushed ice...................................................<---stunned silence from me. :-) I have never been so touched in a long time. That had to be the SWEETEST thing he has done for me in a long time. Troy isn't the type to draw attention to himself and this did draw the attention........first from me and then from the people at our table. He was embarassed. I told him he had just earned 30,000 brownie points. He just smiled. Funny thing is I felt cherished in that moment, in that cafe with all those people everywhere.
We think that we have to do grand elaborate things to bring people a little joy. But it is all about the small things. Troy's words have continued to bless me this week. I have thought of them often and I have shared them with other friends. The reaction is the same. AWE! I love Troy very much. I realize that I treasure his friendship. I love his insight and wit. He is my champion when no one else is. He is also strong and not fearful to tell me when I am wrong or need an attitude adjustment. He is my best friend.
I praise God for loving me so much that he brought a man like Troy into my life. I am thankful that God is changing our hearts, that he is giving us grace to give more of ourselves to each other and to change our "it's all about me" kind of thinking to it's all about serving others.
Take a moment this week to speak a word of encouragement to a friend or spouse. Think of little ways that you can show your loved ones you care. Until next blessed ya'll.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
What's your state of mind?
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
What's in a word?
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Just the Girls
Last night a group of my girl friends from my small group bible study met for a pajama party. We all wore our flannels, brought either a sweet or savory snack and hung out together...just the girls....for a few hours. We laughed so much and ate way too much. We also worked on a service project for our church. There was a bit of grumbling that went on with this service project but we got the job done pretty quick. Anywhoooo.....the gal who hosted the party had "googled" a list of fun questions to get to know each other a little better. We passed around the bowl and would each answer our question or someone else's question. This was really fun and I would tell you some of the stories..........but I can't. :-) I can share with you some of my stories that I had forgotten and are quite funny. I can't even remember what question that was asked that reminded me of these two stories....that would have been helpful.....but the stories themselves are about bad dating experiences way back when I was a teenager before I met my hubby.
Story #1 I went out with this guy that was allot older then me. He was from a wealthy family and a great guy. We flirted a lot at the restaurant where I worked so when he asked me out on a date.........I thought there is no way my folks would let me go. But they did since he was such a nice We went out to eat locally and afterwards he took me to see the family ponderosa that I had never seen before. I was quite impressed. He then turned to me, took my hand in his and told me that "someday" this would be all ours. WHAT! He told me his intentions were honorable...that he was dating me because he was looking for a wife. Looking back on this....this is a really sweet story but not to a 17 year old that wasn't looking for a husband....yet. We never went out again...much to the disappointment of my mom as he was a good catch. I remember praying and telling God that I was done looking for Mr. Right and that he would have to pick him...not me. A week later I went out with my husband and we have been together ever since. So it just wasn't God's timing for me to "swoon" over this older guy.....I saved all that up for Troy. :-)
Story #2 When I was a junior in high school I couldn't find a date for the prom to save my life. In my home town the gals asked the guys to the junior prom. This was very hard for me as I had never asked a guy out in my life. Well that year I got to practice three times. Ugh! Talk about humbling. The first guy I asked said yes. He was an old boyfriend of mine who had gone off to college. An hour later he called back and said his live in girlfriend (whom I think he married) wasn't happy. So I asked another guy from my hometown and he said yes. Then I found out he was dating one of my I called it off. He needed to take her to the prom...not me. Guy number three I met at a dance. He seemed nice, was a little older, shy but could dance country western like nobodies business. :-) I had to ask my parents permission to ask this third guy since he was from out of town. As "luck" would have it my parents knew his parents and said sure you can call and ask him. He said yes. I was thrilled. I was going to the prom with a guy no one knew and we were going to have a great time dancing the night away. Oh the bliss of it all. It's amazing how ones perspective can change in an instant. The week of my prom I got paged over the intercom at school to say I had a phone call in the office. Both times it was this guys MOTHER calling to ask.........first what color was my dress so she could make sure that his corsage and clothes matched mine and number two call was to ask if I was allergic to any flowers. Hello doesn't this seem weird to anyone??? When I told my mom she laughed and had a funny look on her face but she didn't elaborate. I didn't ask why either. Big mistake. The day of the prom arrives and about two hours before my date is going to pick me up a big Cadillac car pulls into the driveway of our home. Driving is this guys mother and my date is in the passenger side. She proceeds to get out with his tux, a blow dryer and suit case, camera etc to take movies and still shots. I start running to my room thinking what is going on? She comes in and she wants to be a part of ME getting ready and she wants to take we are getting married or something. She she is talking 90 miles a minutes and I am thinking this cannot be happening to me. My dad hightails it out of the house while my mother attempts to chat with lady who will not stop talking. My date...........says nothing! I got ready on my own...thank you very much. I came out and she pinned the corsage to my dress, kisses me with her ruby red lips and leaves a mark...the whole time pictures are being taken and of course there were movies of this event too and still my date says.........nothing. I don't remember much about what I said or did but I do know that I was ticked beyond belief. I had quite the temper and I am sure it showed. Finally the time to go arrives and I she taking us to the prom too? Oh and did I mention that this GUY is out of high school. Okay now where was I............oh yes we are on our way out the door and I am really hoping it is just the two of us. Whew it was. She was going to stay and keep my parents company till we got back at midnight. :-) We didn't or I should say I didn't speak. He tried. We didn't dance. I couldn't. He took me home. I said good night to him and his mother and thought............never again. Looking back on it I was quite a brat to him and as I grew older I felt really guilty. I ran into him about 8 years or so ago and knew I needed to apologize for my behavior. But before I could he did....he said he was sorry he had to bring his mom. He lived in her house, didn't have a car of his own and he either let her come or he couldn't have come. I told him how sorry I was too and thankfully that was that.
Thankfully everyone at the pj party had silly stories like mine that we all shared in the laughter. There is just something about telling a funny story from your past that brings out all sorts of memories. These gals are some of my heart friends whom I have grown to love and treasure so much. I am a better person because God allowed them into my life. For that I will always be grateful. I am so glad that we had this time together .................with just the girls. Be Blessed until next time.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Plank or sawdust?
"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces. Matthew 7:4-6
This scripture out of Matthew has always amused me when I visualize the question posed in this verse? However this question is no laughing matter when you take time to ponder it's true meaning. Last night at our small group gathering we discussed what we thought this scripture was all about. I am still having trouble wrapping my mind around the whole meaning. I keep thinking there has to be more to it then what it states. But does it? I always thought it meant that if you were advising someone about some sin in their life that you had to make sure you too were not in that same sin. But now I think it means that I am not to judge that person's little speck when I myself have a huge plank of sin that I don't even see. First I need to deal with my own sin in my life by repenting to God. Then as God takes that sin away and gives me a right heart to speak to my brother I will see their sin for what it is....God alone will give me the insight to be able to do this. I have more pondering and praying to do about this because I am just not sure I have the whole concept right. However I am sure that God will give me the answers I seek. Be blessed ya'll and watch out for your could poke an eye out. :-)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Can Salsa change the world?
Here's the recipe for my homemade salsa....maybe you too can start a family favorite to share.....who knows you might change someones world! Be blessed until next time!
Pamelita’s Salsa
In a blender combine…
1-2 (8oz) cans of tomatoes
1-2 fresh jalapeno peppers (or you can used canned jalapenos)
2-3 cloves of fresh garlic
1-2 tablespoon of dehydrated onion *
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1-2 teaspoons dried cilantro *
Salt to taste
Blend to the consistency you like. *Adding fresh ingredients instead of dry will change the taste but is optional. Serve with tortilla chips.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Learning about Forgiveness
I am so thankful to our savior Jesus Christ who saved me from my sins...past...present...and future. He gave me a wonderful parents who love me so much. He gives me so much grace and has even shown my mom how to forgive, change, and give grace. Praise God for this.
I also learned that I need to be upfront with my mom. I need to show my emotions and don't act tough. I need to show her love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control....hmmmm those sound like the fruit of the spirit. Amazing!
It's funny how God works................guess what we are studying in our bible study group..........yep you guessed it....forgiveness. God is so good. So as Jesus said in Matthew 6:12...."Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors." Good advice don't ya think! Forgive me for making this post so long. I am sure there is a quicker way to say what I did but then that just wouldn't be me. Until next blessed.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Two steps forward and five back
My second frustration was I just couldn't seem to get things right with my sewing projects. I am making a table cloth or I should say I made the table cloth top and I thought I would sew a back to it. I measure out the fabric and start to sew. One side is an inch too short. I have to shorten the adjoining sides. Then the next side is four inches too short and I think how in the world did I do that. I finish up the last side and there are puckers everywhere. So the table cloth is NOT going to have a back. I will just finish the edge. Ha! Tomorrow I will try again.
I am also making a baby blanket for a friend who just had a baby girl. I cut out four sunbonnet sue appliques and put decorative stitching on all four. Two of the girls face one way and two were supposed to face the other way. When I went to sew the squares together I had only made one facing to the left and the other three were facing to the right. How did I do that? And why didn't I notice it when I did it? But I thought oh well that is okay I will just use the two that are facing one another. I sewed strips of fabric around the blocks and had the biggest quilt top that looked just ridiculous. By this time I am thinking I just need to stop but I didn't. Instead I cut it down around the sides but it is too long now. Sooooooo I cut some of the middle out and sew the two sides back together. Do they go back together just perfect. Oh no way!!! I am not sure how this happened and for those of you who are reading this you probably don't understand a thing I am saying. But that is okay. This is therapy. Ha! I can either start all over. NOT. Or I can fix this. I had some leftover fabric.............what to do....what to do....I think. Then it hits me...just applique a heart over the two spots where they don't meet just perfect. It will all blend and it does. But I still know the flaws are there. Oh well that's what I get for not stopping.
And as I reread this there are many typos...some I found and some you will find.....
And that is my day. Hope your day was more productive. Maybe tomorrow will be for me. Until next time be blessed.
Grandson update
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Miracles still happen
My grandson together with his brother have been under a lot of strain and stress for some time. Their parents got divorced years ago and it has been war ever since between the two of them. As adults we think that when children are little they don't hear or see things but they do. He has watched his parents fight verbally for years now. About a year ago there was a change in custody where his dad was the primary custodian. This turned his life upside down as he was no longer with his mom but every other weekend and one afternoon a week. There was a sadness that came over him when this happened but everyone said kids get over things. He will be fine. But he has not been fine and has grown angrier and sadder. Then this illness happened. For the first time in years the parents had to communicate and get along for their sons sake. And get along they have. A miracle happened this week. All parties involved came together for the good of their son not themselves.
Tonight I got a call from his mom and she told me that they had sat down with him tonight to tell him how sorry they were for behaving the way they have. They tried to explain to him how wrong they had been and how it was OKAY to love all of them. His mom said the change that came over him was amazing. He started giggling and smiling. He was hugging everyone and so happy. He told his mom that he didn't think his brother was going to believe they were all friends now. WOW! Is God good or what! This couldn't have happened without love. Harsh words can hurt and they can kill. Only love can truly change lives. I am so thankful that even though this week was hard for the grandparents....and especially for my was equally humbling and life changing for the parents. I pray that God continues to show them the right path that they need to walk on. That they need to put their sons needs before their own and to sacrifice whatever prideful feelings they have to get along and raise their sons. I also pray that through this experience they learn to walk with God and seek him out even in the good times. I also pray that my grandson continues to heal physically as well as mentally and spiritually. So remember miracles still just have to have faith, pray, praise and believe. Then stand back and watch God at work. He is amazing. Thank you Jesus!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
New Beginnings
My other "first" this year is I started a women's crafting group. We met in my home last night for the first time. When I lived in New Mexico I was part of a craft group for over 8 years. Together with some friends of mine we taught several young ladies how to crochet, cross stitch and make quilts. Most of these girls were from the college where I worked (ENMU). I continue to miss them so much. They taught me so much. So I decided to see if a group here would work as well. If last night is any indication we are off to a great start. For the most part no one knew one another till they met last night. All of these ladies are from different areas of my life. It was fun to have them all in one room. We had a light supper and then we all worked on various projects. We had a great time. It was nice for these gals to get out without their hubby and kids to be able to work on long forgotten projects. I am very blessed to have friends in my life like this. Once a month we are planning on making things for different areas of service here in Bay County. I am not sure what needs are out there but we will be checking into it. And that was my day. Be Blessed!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
It's been a long day
Today has been one of the longest days of my life in the year 2009. That's not saying a whole lot I know as it's just the 11th of Januray. But still I am plum tuckered out. Wow I am sounding more southern the more I type. Scary! Okay back to why this has been such a long day.....we got a phone call from our daughter at 6:30am telling us our grandson had been in the emergency room in New Mexico last night and that they (the doctors) had done a spinal tap on my 7 year old grandson. To say that my heart ached for him is an understatement. I am clueless as to what a spinal tap entails but have since found out it's terrible. She said she had never heard him scream like this before. Ouch! So the NM hospital took her and Logan by ambulance to a bigger hospital in Lubbock Texas. The doc's in NM told her that he had Guillain-barre (<---spelling not sure) syndrome. The doctors in Texas did not concur with the doc's in NM and told them they wanted to do another spinal tap. Both Ben (Logan's daddy) and our daugther said they would have to sedate him as they didn't want him going through that again. Sounds terrible doesn't it. After getting off the phone and then explaining to Troy what she had just told me I prayed and prayed and prayed. From the onset of the call God's peace never left me. I was upset but only of the fact that Logan was in pain. No good Grammy wants to see her precious baby hurting right. I knew God was in control and that all would be well regardless of the outcome. Then I called people, emailed friends and posted a facebook plea for prayer. What amazed me is how men and women handle tramatic situations differently. I knew from past times that Troy would want to be alone. I knew he would NOT want to talk about it. What amazed me is God gave me the grace to leave him alone when all I wanted to do WAS talk about it. So instead God and I talked. I could feel His comfort and peace and knew all would be well. But around 9 or so I started to cry because I kept thinking of Logan and the pain he was in. Troy heard me and thought I was looking to the negative instead of the postive. Which is funny coming from him because he is Mr. Negative and I am a pollyanna about most things. But he was right I needed to look to all the good that was in this situation. He was in the hospital with trained people looking out for him. He had many in Florida and all over the USA praying for him who loved him and good was going to come of this. Most importantly God was with him and in control. I just had to trust him. So on to church we went to worship and be filled. In the middle of the service Dessa called to tell us Logan was doing better. The doctors were not going to do a spinal tap on him because he was doing so much better. They were just watching and waiting etc. At 1:30 she called again saying he was doing even better. He wanted pizza for lunch and the doc's were going to let him have some. :-) The doctors still don't know what's wrong but he is on the mend. They will keep Logan in Lubbock for 2-3 days in case of fever etc. The doc's seem to think he had a bacterial infection that attacked his muscles. I have no clue what's happened. All I know is he was very sick one moment and better the next. That couldn't have happened without God right in the middle. Praise God for that! I have got to be honest with was really hard praising God in the midst of all this but I did and I am so glad God gave me the grace to do so. Regardless of how this turns out good has come of it. My daughter and ex-son in law are talking civil to one another and that's huge. Who knows all the good that will come. It will be awesome to see.
I thought a lot about little Logan today. When we lived in NM he was at my house every day. He could barely walk and he couldn't talk then. But he could sure dance when his grandpa played music and he loved getting into my tuppeware cabinet. He thought he was getting away with something. That little toot is such a joy and was a handful way back then. He is a blessing from God. I was there when he was born and watched him open his eyes for the first time. I was and am smitten with that boy. I am so thankful that there will be many more moments with him................God willing.
So today has been a very long day. One of pain, hurt, tears, prayer, laughter, joy, love, peace, comfort, worship and on and on and on. Thank you God for today. Thank you for grandchildren who are treasures. Thank you for You. Be blessed ya'll! Oh dear here comes that twang again! :-)