Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Two steps forward and five back

Have you ever had one of those days where it seems like everything you tackle or try to do just doesn't turn out the way you planned? I have had one of those days today. It started off with going to a local store to buy a house warming gift. I found what I wanted pretty fast but I love this store so I thought I will just look at all the clearanced items. After all most things were 75 percent off. In a bin with some patchwork handbags I found two cute pink cosmetic bags. Was their a price on it? Oh no of course not. So I rooted around thinking there would have to be one more in there. Nope. Oh well..surely one of four sales girls will know what these are selling for. I place my item on my ever growing stack of items and continue to look around. I finally realize I need to get out of there before I spend more than what I should. One of the girls goes to ring me up and asks another clerk if she knows the price of the two bag set. She doesn't but says I will look it up. The clerk rings up everything else I have and I was pleased to see I had only spent 20 dollars. Not bad for thirty minutes of shopping. In the meantime I am waiting for the price for the bag. These two girls look and look and look and look. They ask the third clerk and she says give it to her free if she buys a candle. :-) Now that girl I like!!! But no they didn't listen to her. Instead they try the computer next...still no price. Then they ask a fourth girl who I find out later is the manager and she doesn't know either. In the meantime a couple other people have finished their sales and still I wait. I am not really good at waiting but I have learned to be more so as I went through a period of 6-9 months where any and every situation I found myself in.............I was waiting. So while I waited I thought okay don't get mad, they are young, they are trying to help you etc. But the longer I wait the more frustrated inside I began to feel. They go get the manager and one of them says sorry for the wait. By then I realized I really don't need the bag. This must be a sign so I tell the girl it's okay...I don't need it...just ring me up please. Now I haven't raised my voice but I know that I must look frustrated. Because to tell you the truth those bags couldn't have been more then 5 dollars and they were spending forever to find the price....three of them. I think they really lost money on this deal. As I am leaving the one clerk said...maybe when you come back it will be priced. Ha! I am not sure I will be back. It was just that these were pink and I love pink. Oh well I can find another bag.

My second frustration was I just couldn't seem to get things right with my sewing projects. I am making a table cloth or I should say I made the table cloth top and I thought I would sew a back to it. I measure out the fabric and start to sew. One side is an inch too short. I have to shorten the adjoining sides. Then the next side is four inches too short and I think how in the world did I do that. I finish up the last side and there are puckers everywhere. So the table cloth is NOT going to have a back. I will just finish the edge. Ha! Tomorrow I will try again.

I am also making a baby blanket for a friend who just had a baby girl. I cut out four sunbonnet sue appliques and put decorative stitching on all four. Two of the girls face one way and two were supposed to face the other way. When I went to sew the squares together I had only made one facing to the left and the other three were facing to the right. How did I do that? And why didn't I notice it when I did it? But I thought oh well that is okay I will just use the two that are facing one another. I sewed strips of fabric around the blocks and had the biggest quilt top that looked just ridiculous. By this time I am thinking I just need to stop but I didn't. Instead I cut it down around the sides but it is too long now. Sooooooo I cut some of the middle out and sew the two sides back together. Do they go back together just perfect. Oh no way!!! I am not sure how this happened and for those of you who are reading this you probably don't understand a thing I am saying. But that is okay. This is therapy. Ha! I can either start all over. NOT. Or I can fix this. I had some leftover fabric.............what to do....what to do....I think. Then it hits me...just applique a heart over the two spots where they don't meet just perfect. It will all blend and it does. But I still know the flaws are there. Oh well that's what I get for not stopping.

And as I reread this there are many typos...some I found and some you will find.....

And that is my day. Hope your day was more productive. Maybe tomorrow will be for me. Until next time be blessed.


  1. Your great - you are much better at this blogging than me. Oh well. So I did facebook before the blog, but now I know your projects :) Hope today is more productive.....

  2. Whew! I'm worn out just reading how your day went. :) You are definitely blessed with patience, Pam. I would have given up on all those projects when I hit the first obstacle. So way to go on salvaging your projects. :)
