Sunday, January 11, 2009

It's been a long day

I keep thinking I need to start these blogs with Dear Diary.....and then I start typing and I think I have to sound eloquent. Why is that? When I write to friends I have no problems telling them what's on my mind or what I have been up to. Will this get easier? Will I finally quit having nervous twitches as I am typing this? :-) I hope so and if not, it's gonna be some boring stuff to read. Oh well this is for therapy right. Gosh is that spelled right? Ugh!

Today has been one of the longest days of my life in the year 2009. That's not saying a whole lot I know as it's just the 11th of Januray. But still I am plum tuckered out. Wow I am sounding more southern the more I type. Scary! Okay back to why this has been such a long day.....we got a phone call from our daughter at 6:30am telling us our grandson had been in the emergency room in New Mexico last night and that they (the doctors) had done a spinal tap on my 7 year old grandson. To say that my heart ached for him is an understatement. I am clueless as to what a spinal tap entails but have since found out it's terrible. She said she had never heard him scream like this before. Ouch! So the NM hospital took her and Logan by ambulance to a bigger hospital in Lubbock Texas. The doc's in NM told her that he had Guillain-barre (<---spelling not sure) syndrome. The doctors in Texas did not concur with the doc's in NM and told them they wanted to do another spinal tap. Both Ben (Logan's daddy) and our daugther said they would have to sedate him as they didn't want him going through that again. Sounds terrible doesn't it. After getting off the phone and then explaining to Troy what she had just told me I prayed and prayed and prayed. From the onset of the call God's peace never left me. I was upset but only of the fact that Logan was in pain. No good Grammy wants to see her precious baby hurting right. I knew God was in control and that all would be well regardless of the outcome. Then I called people, emailed friends and posted a facebook plea for prayer. What amazed me is how men and women handle tramatic situations differently. I knew from past times that Troy would want to be alone. I knew he would NOT want to talk about it. What amazed me is God gave me the grace to leave him alone when all I wanted to do WAS talk about it. So instead God and I talked. I could feel His comfort and peace and knew all would be well. But around 9 or so I started to cry because I kept thinking of Logan and the pain he was in. Troy heard me and thought I was looking to the negative instead of the postive. Which is funny coming from him because he is Mr. Negative and I am a pollyanna about most things. But he was right I needed to look to all the good that was in this situation. He was in the hospital with trained people looking out for him. He had many in Florida and all over the USA praying for him who loved him and good was going to come of this. Most importantly God was with him and in control. I just had to trust him. So on to church we went to worship and be filled. In the middle of the service Dessa called to tell us Logan was doing better. The doctors were not going to do a spinal tap on him because he was doing so much better. They were just watching and waiting etc. At 1:30 she called again saying he was doing even better. He wanted pizza for lunch and the doc's were going to let him have some. :-) The doctors still don't know what's wrong but he is on the mend. They will keep Logan in Lubbock for 2-3 days in case of fever etc. The doc's seem to think he had a bacterial infection that attacked his muscles. I have no clue what's happened. All I know is he was very sick one moment and better the next. That couldn't have happened without God right in the middle. Praise God for that! I have got to be honest with was really hard praising God in the midst of all this but I did and I am so glad God gave me the grace to do so. Regardless of how this turns out good has come of it. My daughter and ex-son in law are talking civil to one another and that's huge. Who knows all the good that will come. It will be awesome to see.

I thought a lot about little Logan today. When we lived in NM he was at my house every day. He could barely walk and he couldn't talk then. But he could sure dance when his grandpa played music and he loved getting into my tuppeware cabinet. He thought he was getting away with something. That little toot is such a joy and was a handful way back then. He is a blessing from God. I was there when he was born and watched him open his eyes for the first time. I was and am smitten with that boy. I am so thankful that there will be many more moments with him................God willing.

So today has been a very long day. One of pain, hurt, tears, prayer, laughter, joy, love, peace, comfort, worship and on and on and on. Thank you God for today. Thank you for grandchildren who are treasures. Thank you for You. Be blessed ya'll! Oh dear here comes that twang again! :-)

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