Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Are you seasoned with salt?

I know you are thinking....will this girl just stop for a minute. ":-) But it has been so long and I have been pondering so many here we go with another thing that God has been showing me and blessing me with. I think I have told you before that I am a mentor mom to a group of gals in the local MOPS group....mother of preschoolers. We meet twice a month. I have 7--8 girls at my table and then I have up 10 girls that I mentor through the Steering/Planning team for this MOPS group. Somehow the honor of saying the blessing for each meeting has been given to me. I can honestly say when I started this group a few years back that I would have passed out if I had been asked to do this. God has really grown me in this area though and I now don't think of praying in public as something I dread but something I am called to do at times with His grace. The holy spirit is who gives me the words when the prayer is good and when it sounds all muddled....well...that's all me. Ha! Thank you Lord for your words.

Last week we met and I went to say the blessing. I was in one of my sillier moods. Can you believe that? I started to sing since I had a microphone. The girls didn't know what to think of my silliness so they just laughed along with me. :-) Good thing I really can sing but I didn't this week. However I did get their attention which has been extremely difficult this year as all the gals have really bonded. Another praise to God. Anyway as I said my prayer and asked God to bless our meal I also asked him to season our words with be mindful of His presence in our midst etc. I finished the prayer, went back to my table with my girls and was going to go get some brunch when one of my girls asked me "what does it mean have your words flavored with salt." WOW what an awesome question and what a great opportunity God gave me to mentor and point her to Christ. Most of us know that salt flavors things. Our words should enhance not take away. Our conversation together needs to be uplifting, encouraging to those we share life with. Women can sometimes gossip and this isn't a good's sin and dilutes our salt. Salt also preserves. As Christians we live in a lost world with decay, evil, and sin all around us. We are the salt of the earth. We are there to flavor witness to what Christ is doing in and through us. I told her I wanted all of us to be mindful that God is present with us. We need to watch our words and what we say. I was very humbled by this young ladies question. For a moment I got tongue tied....I know you are having a hard time seeing that in me...........but it was true for just a moment. Then I realized what a great way to share the message of Christ. God is so good and He gave me the words to say. I need to remember to stay in His word more and more because He is using what I learned to plant seeds or to water them. yeah! Thank you Lord for allowing this encounter to happen!

My question to you is.........are you seasoned with salt? Do your words lift up or tear down? Do you allow sin to water down your salt? Just thoughts to ponder. I pray that God gives you a thirst for His that you can be salt to others you come into contact with. Until next time be blessed!

1 comment:

  1. I have heard you twice in one month mention as you pray "let our words be flavored with salt", and every time I'm thinking why salt? Why not grace like it says in Col. 4:6? So I had to go look up Col. 4:6 because all I ever remember of that verse is let your conversation be always be full of grace", and come to find out I'm missing a big part of it... "seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." As I read your words here it tied every up so nicely and perfectly. Thank you so much!
