Thursday, January 8, 2009

One step at a Time........

Okay so it's a new year........2009 and I thought it's about time I started Blogging. Until this year I had no clue what a blog was. I am assuming this is like an online journal where I can share my thoughts, funny stories, questions etc. Most of my young friends blog....and even a few of my oldie but goody friends have a blog too. I am anxious about it and I keep thinking..........who wants to read what I have to say....and then on the heals of that thought I think why do I care. Ha! So this is a first step for gracious!

I am a mentor mom for a group called MOPS. MOPS is a Christian based organization for mothers of preschoolers. This group is made for moms to have a safe place where they can meet other moms and to share their journey of motherhood together. Plus it gives moms 2 and 1/2 hours of free time while their children are supervised by well trained care givers. Today was our first meeting of the 2009 year. We had 8 new ladies joing the group. Wow! It was wonderful to see all the moms back together. By the sounds of the voices.........everyone was glad to see one another.

We started the meeting out with brunch, followed by stories from mom's of their children's "humorous" musings. I can't share with you those stores of course but I can share one of my own from years gone by. When my youngest child was about 11 we had the "sex" talk. He had come home from school all excited about what he had learned. For once I felt like he had really listened to what the teacher had to explain to him. Amazing!!!! He had heard everything there was to know about having babies from the fertilization of the egg, to why women have monthly cycles..... etc. He asked me why mom's and dad's do that and I told him it was to have children. He looked so disgusted at me and said...."you mean to tell me you and dad did that THREE times?" Ha! And that my friends was the end of the discussion because all I said was "yes" and he said "yuck." This wasn't the first such talk I had had because he is my third child but it the first that was quite this humorous.

I really enjoy mentoring young mom's. God has gifted me to love them. There were so many mistakes that I made with my children so I am able to honestly give words from the heart for (just about) any situation. There are also many things that God graced me to do right. Those are fun to share. Today I saw a new mom leave her child in daycare for the first time and I witnessed how much anxiety she had over doing this. My heart ached for her. But I realized that there has to be that first timemoments for this mom or any mom. This is the first of many first moments......first crawl, first steps....first words....first sign of independence. Then there is the first day of school.........and on and on and on. I am blessed beyond belief to be a mom. I am blessed to be a helper to these young moms who sometimes don't know how to handle those first moments of anxiety. It's easier when there is a friendly face walking beside step at a time. I have a passion for young moms. I feel called to serve them. Christ calls us to follow him.....I know He has called me to serve in this area at this time in my life. There will be many "first steps" but I know with Christ in skies the limit. Be blessed.


  1. Yeah for blogging!!! I just started one when we got pregnant to keep the family updated : ) It's been pretty fun. I will now add you to my list of blogs I read. Hopefully you can give me much needed support when I go through all of my mommy "firsts" too!

  2. My wife is a blogger! Wow! Sure wish I was a "reader", but I'm not. (Not much of one anyway.) Guess I'll have to start.
