Monday, January 16, 2012

On The Blog Again...

Hello fellow bloggers! Remember that country western song from back in the day called....."On The Road Again" (by Willie Nelson)? It's an oldie but goody talking about how he can't wait to get back on the road again...making music with his friends. Well friends I don't know about the music part but I have sure missed writing down my thoughts and hearing from my blogger friends. With this being January of 2012 I figure it is time to get back on the road to blogging. This year I am going to try and write more about what God is doing in me, be more transparent/honest with you about my struggles and share with you His grace in my life. Plus I'd like to share some poetry, some recipes, with a little crafting projects thrown in for good measure. I am hopeful that as we travel this blogger road we just may trip on something we have never seen before. Or maybe we will find a treasure.......a nugget of truth we hadn't heard before. Most of all I pray we just enjoy this road of life we find ourselves on and share a little. Sounds like a good road to be on don't ya think?

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