Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Cleaning

Yesterday was the official day of SPRING. This is the time of year I start to open windows.  I clean out dressers and closets.  I file and shred things and just plain get myself organized for the year.  What is it about spring time weather that motivates me so? You'd think I'd do that in the winter when it's cold out and rainy so that I wouldn't be going stir crazy. But no I wait till Spring to SPRING into the season.  Of course our winter this year has been like spring so it has really taken me a while to get into the "mood" to clean.  Yes I must be in the right frame of mind to get anything accomplished.

And this is where my blog frame of mind this week.  Over the weekend I was a cleaning fool.  I found things I forgot I had and it was wonderful to sort thru all the junk.  With each old thing I got rid of, I was creating breathing room for other items.  I was allowing my mind to see what I had and take inventory of it so maybe this year I could actually wear that cute blouse that just might fit me right since I am dieting.   There is just something cleansing about getting rid of the old, unused, not needed things just hanging out taking up space. 

It is time to do some Spring cleaning in my head as well.  Yes spring cleaning in my mind, the place of knowledge....the brain, where I think and ponder.  :)  I have lots of old, unused and not needed things just taking up space in my head these days.  I have old ways of thinking that need to be discarded and replaced with truth.  I have unused areas as well where I have not been disciplined in with scripture, or prayed  Psalms.  I have so many thoughts that are not needed. They are taking up space like. ....What makes you think you are of value in this area?  How in the world can you glorify God this way? Or why don't you have more faith? Honestly... I don't want to be a hypocrite saying one thing but thinking another way. I want to be different and yet I realize I am a mess.  I don't have it all together. I may smile and act all sweet but on the inside where it counts I am hurting.  I am struggling to make sense of where I find myself today.  I want answers to why this?  Why now?  I wept for what I saw of myself and my circumstances to be.  

BUT then God.........(awe don't ya just love that phrase.....but then God) He reminded me I am dearly loved. He reminded me that FAITH isn't about seeing.  It is about believing what I know to be true regardless of what my circumstances are.....His truth.   He reminded me that I am His child. He reminded me He wants to talk with me.  He reminded me to come to Him when I am weary and burdened.  He will replace those old ways of thinking with His ways of thinking.  He loves me just the way I am. He isn't surprised that I am having these thoughts. He knows there is junk in my mind that needs thrown out and He is just the person for the job.  So he starts to clean out those unused things and replace them with Him.  He reminded me of  scripture I already knew and I spoke it out loud with my mouth. As I threw away my wrong thinking of lies, I replaced them by breathing in the Word of God. My focus changed from me to Him.  I was worshipping in spirit and in truth.  God is so good.

And just like that I felt His presence.  I felt cleansed.  I felt new.  I felt loved.  But more importantly I knew.....I was still and KNEW He is....He was...He will always be.  Be still my child and know that I am God.  Awesome breath of life.  I love that He meets me where I am.  

So friends as you go about your spring cleaning of your home as well as your life, remember not to tackle it alone. Ask the Lord to help you see those things that need thrown out, replaced and renewed.  Until next time enjoy your spring cleaning.    

Thank you Heavenly Father for your redeeming Word. Thank you for being more than enough. Thank you for guiding me to speak the truth with my mouth so that my mind hears which causes my heart to comes into agreement with your truth. You are my joy.  You are my peace. You have my life under control.  My HOPE is in You always. Thank you for spring cleaning my mind, my heart, and my soul.  Amen!  

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